Hard news http://www.cbc.ca there is a lot of people being affected by these and some people were killed and injured. Then numbers are rising,In the last five years, more than 150 people have been killed. Soft news "Justin Timberlake invited back to Super Bowl halftime show" http://www.cbc.ca This news article is Soft News because it falls under things people go to watch. Justin got invited back to do the halftime show at this years superbowl, this is not that important to some because not everyone knows who he is or likes him and it wouldn't be that big of a deal. "Why Trees Aren't Turning Red In Ontario And Quebec This Fall" http://www.huffingtonpost.ca This article is an example of both Hard and Soft News because it is important to some but not everyone it tells us about how bad the environment is getting with global warming, Its hard news to the people who care about the world It is also soft news because some people dont care...
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